Breakthrough is a community of men dedicated to making real change in the quality of men’s lives.
Breakthrough was created by Fred Jealous, a community leader and teacher, and has empowered hundreds of men to begin to create the lives they have always wanted. Breakthrough is a non-profit organization founded and created in 1987 by Fred Jealous, a community leader and teacher, to provide men with skills to free themselves from non-productive, painful, or abusive aspects of their lives.
For each Breakthrough graduate, this includes gaining the ability to eliminate negative self-images, and to take control of anger, fear, addictions, shame, and hopelessness. Breakthrough graduates discover their true power as men, and begin to realize their full potential as fathers, husbands, partners, friends, and as leaders. This is accomplished in a way which respects and honors each man’s uniqueness and personal history, as well as that of the other people in their lives.
The Breakthrough program offers all of this in a supportive group-learning setting in Monterey County. Breakthrough provides a resource for men who want to reassess and enhance the direction of their lives.
Check Breakthrough out online or ask a provider for a brochure!
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