TO MENU

        Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
        — World Health Organisation, 1948

        The 12 pillars serve as areas of focus that can improve your health by reducing the risk of disease. What ares of focus work best for you?


        1. Follow The Sun!
        2. Live Slowly
        3. Interact with Nature
        4. Sleep Deeply
        5. Manage Stress Appropriately
        6. Avoid Toxicity
        7. Eat Naturally
        8. Engage with Community
        9. Breathe Deeply
        10. Live Purposefully
        11. Move Naturally
        12. Play Wholeheartedly

        Believe it or not, these 12 seemingly simple pillars actually all serve to allow your body to function in a more grounded way, offering invaluable health benefits such as laughter, calming sensations, feelings of purpose and enjoyment, and overall satisfaction and comfort.


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